Today we are comparing two very high performance GBB pistols. Both are 1911 Hi Capas. For thee KJW xcelerator see larger image, for WE Striker Tac Master see smaller image. Both are shooting at a consistent 3330-350 fps. The WE model comes with a 26 round mag, while the kjw comes with a 29 round mag. Both are compatible with any hi capa series mag by any company. The KJW comes with gas two gas mags and the WE comes with one gas mag. The KJW is $142.00 off of Airsoft Megastore and Evike, while the WE is $110.00 on both. The WE has striker head on the end of it's barrel to minimize recoil, and increase accuarcy. The KJW does not have the striker head but has fiber optic sights and a rail for mounting aiming aids such as flashlights and lasers. Both are very nice sidearms. Peronnally I Prefer the Kjw but that is my prefrence.
-hope this helped