Dboys RK-06 AK74N REVIEW!
6:21 AM
Posted by General Gasher
Sorry for the late review, I was having WAAAYYY to much fun playing with the gun. No pictures as of right now but look forward to a review on my youtube channel later today.
First off the gun came with the usual stuff, cheap sling, crappy bbs, charger, unjamming rod, and a 8.4v 1100 mhm stick type battery, which goes in the upper reciever of the gun. This version is the real metal, real wood handgrips, real wood stock version. Externals were great, absoululety excellent. Internals when I checked them out were nice too. The gun has 7mm ball bearings which are actually very good quality, gearbox is decent, and barrel is unusually tight for a stock gun at about 6.04- 6.06, which is very nice. I shot some pop cans and my targets and results were suprisingly good, from 70 feet i barely had to aim to hit a can which is very nice, and it only took 3 shots to complety shred a can. Sadly I don't have a chronograph but I will be ordering one very shortly.
cheers for more info just comment!!
12:37 PM
Posted by General Gasher
With my DBoys AK74 in UPS's hands right as we speak I'd expect the review of this sick new gun with full metal body and wood stock and handgrips to come at around 4:30 pm eastern. Thats about an hour and i will have a picture taken by me of it and much much more so keep reading!
BB Gram to FPS chart
2:11 PM
Posted by General Gasher
Review of the JG Cybergun Rebranded SIG 552 Commando
8:56 AM
Posted by General Gasher
The Cybergun rebrand of the JG sig 552 is purchaseable for $180.00 everywhere. The gun shoots decently powerfully at 360-380 fps. The rate of fire is sluggish at 680 rpm, but i dont't care. The magazine holds 350 rounds and is cool looking due to the mock bullets. The body is all decent quality ABS plastic, and in fact there is very little metal on the gun. The gun's folding stock has given me no problems and seems pretty okay. The barrel is pretty short so usually accuracy would suffer but supriseingly it has pretty good mid-long range shooting. This probably shoots a bit to hot for cqb but may qualify at some places, but the folding stock makes it very versatile for switching between cqb and woodland skirmishes. Overall, this gun is a very versatile gun, not as versatile as say an Mp5, but it does the job quite well.
DogFight! WE Tactical Master Hi Capa with Striker Head VS. KJW KP-06 Xcelerator Hi Capa
7:38 AM
Posted by General Gasher

Real Sword Dragunov SVD Semi-Auto Airsoft Sniper Rifle
7:00 AM
Posted by General Gasher
Green Gas VS. Propane
6:46 AM
Posted by General Gasher

Green gas is being sold for 8 bucks a can. Propane is being sold for 10 bucks for 4 cans 3 times the size. Thats the difference. All green gas is, is propane with some silicone oil thrown in so in so propane works just as good as green gas. All you need for propane silicone oil to add, and a propane adapter which costs $19.99 from Airsoft Megastore. Another point is that green gas is not sold at all sporting goods stores, while propane is sold everywhere. A false myth is that green gas lubes your gun as you shoot and propane does not. This is false because while using a propane adapter it actually puts MORE silicone oil into your gun that green gas does. So in conclusion the only con to propane is that it smells like shit. and you know it :)